Part 2
- Integration tests with AWS S3 buckets using Localstack and Testcontainers
As I explained previously in this article, in integration tests, we should mock unmanaged dependencies (dependencies that are external to our system and not controlled by us, like APIs) but test against real managed dependencies (dependencies that are controlled by our system, like databases, queues, etc). This improves the reliability of the integration tests because the communication with these dependencies are a complex part of the system and can break with a package update, a database update or a change in a queue message format.
In this post, I’ll show how to use Localstack and Testcontainers to emulate an AWS environment for use in integration tests.
Why use Localstack for integration tests?
Reduced Costs: Using LocalStack eliminates the use of AWS resources during tests and development. It also avoids accidental charges during development, for example, in cases of incorrect logic;
Development speed: Using LocalStack allows developer to test without having to deploy or configure AWS credentials on the local environment. It also remove external factors, as other people using the same AWS resources on the environment;
Reproducibility and less flaky tests: Integration tests run in an isolated environment, avoiding any interference with the production or staging environment. This makes tests reproducible in any developer’s machine and less flaky because there is no dependency with the network and a shared AWS environment, that can change frequently;
Cleanup: LocalStack environment is automatically cleaned up after the tests, making easier to use in automated tests;
Test of Edge Cases: We can customize LocalStack’s configuration, allowing us to test edge cases that may not be tested on an AWS environment, like rate limits and permissions errors.
What is Testcontainers?
Testcontainers is a library that manages containers’ lifecycle to be used in automated tests. These containers are useful for testing applications against real managed dependencies, like databases, or AWS resources (using LocalStack) that can be created and disposed of after the tests.
Running a disposable container with Testcontainers
To use Testcontainers, you will need to have a container runtime (Docker, Podman, Rancher, etc) installed on your machine.
Then, you need to add the Testcontainers NuGet package to your test project:
dotnet add package Testcontainers
To run a LocalStack container, we first need to use the ContainerBuilder class to build an IContainer:
Then, we start the container and use the Hostname property and GetMappedPublicPort() method to create the ServiceUrl that will be used by the AWS Clients:
❗ The IContainer interface extends IAsyncDisposable and needs to be disposed of after use. We can use the await using syntax, as in the example above, or call the DisposeAsync method, as in the fixture shown below.
Example context
In the example from Part 1, I have a controller with a POST method that uploads an image to an S3 bucket and a GET method that finds an image from the S3 bucket by its file name:
app.MapPost("/upload",async(IAmazonS3s3Client,IFormFilefile)=>{varbucketName=builder.Configuration["BucketName"]!;varbucketExists=awaits3Client.DoesS3BucketExistAsync(bucketName);if(!bucketExists){returnResults.BadRequest($"Bucket {bucketName} does not exists.");}usingvarfileStream=file.OpenReadStream();varputObjectRequest=newPutObjectRequest(){BucketName=bucketName,Key=file.FileName,InputStream=fileStream};putObjectRequest.Metadata.Add("Content-Type",file.ContentType);varputResult=awaits3Client.PutObjectAsync(putObjectRequest);returnResults.Ok($"File {file.FileName} uploaded to S3 successfully!");});app.MapGet("/object/{key}",async(IAmazonS3s3Client,stringkey)=>{varbucketName=builder.Configuration["BucketName"]!;varbucketExists=awaits3Client.DoesS3BucketExistAsync(bucketName);if(!bucketExists){returnResults.BadRequest($"Bucket {bucketName} does not exists.");}try{vargetObjectResponse=awaits3Client.GetObjectAsync(bucketName,key);returnResults.File(getObjectResponse.ResponseStream,getObjectResponse.Headers.ContentType);}catch(AmazonS3Exceptionex)when(ex.ErrorCode.Equals("NotFound",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){returnResults.NotFound();}});
⚠️ The business logic in the controller is just for the sake of simplicity. In a real-world application, the logic should be in a Use Case/Interactor or something with the same purpose.
Creating integration tests with Testcontainers
In this example, I’m using xUnit and the WebApplicationFactory<T> class from ASP.NET Core.
If you don’t know how to use the WebApplicationFactory<T> class, I explained in this post.
When running in AWS, the AmazonS3Client will get its access data from the IAM Role attached to the service running it. When running locally, it will get from the AWS CLI profile named default or from the settings we pass to it.
ℹ️ The default profile is read from the AWSCLI credentials file (%userprofile%\.aws\credentials on Windows and ~/.aws/credentials on Linux).
In the code below, I’m checking for a configuration section with the name AWS, that is not present in the production environment. If it’s found, I set the Region, ServiceURL and ForcePathStyle properties of the AmazonS3Config and pass it to the creation of the AmazonS3Client:
For the integration tests, those settings (except for the ServiceURL) will be configured in appsettings.IntegrationTest.json file, that is injected by the WebApplicationFactory<T> class:
ℹ️ As the container will have a random public port, the AWS:ServiceURL configuration has to be passed after Testcontainers starts the LocalStack container, using the Hostname and GetMappedPublicPort(4566) to create the full URL.
LocalStack/Testcontainer Fixture
This fixture will start and dispose of the Localstack container, sharing it with all tests.
I recommend using the same container instance for all tests, instead of one per test. It will require more attention to avoid cause between the tests, but will save time in executing them.
The test reads the configurations with IConfiguration to create an AmazonS3Client and create the bucket in the LocalStack environment and to assert the test condition (the object was created in the bucket):
ℹ️ We could also create the S3 bucket using the ExecAsync method from Testcontainer’s IContainer to execute AWS CLI commands in the Localstack container, but I find it easier and less error prone to do it with the AWS SDK.
Upload an existing image test
This test uses the ListObjectsAsync method of the AmazonS3Client to assert that uploading an image with the same file name will override the image instead of creating another:
To test the endpoint that returns the image, I use the AmazonS3Client to create the bucket and upload an image, and then, call the endpoint and assert that it returns the image:
To test the behavior when the image doesn’t exist, I use the AmazonS3Client to create the bucket, and then, call the endpoint that returns the image with a file name that doesn’t exist in the bucket: